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RELEASE: Vermont Dems Come Together to Celebrate Voting Victories

VDems Team

Updated: Oct 22, 2021


News from the Vermont Democratic Party

MONTPELIER, VT — Vermont Democrats met Thursday evening at Stowe's Stoweflake Resort to 'Celebrate Vermont's Voting Victories.' Lamoille County Democrats Chair Scott Weathers emceed the event, and guests of honor Secretary of State Jim Condos, Senate Pro Tempore Becca Balint, and House Speaker Jill Krowinski gave presentations to celebrate Vermont's expansion of voting access during a time when voter suppression is on the rise across America. Secretary Condos said: “Make no mistake, around the country, the GOP is making an all-out assault on voting rights. [But in] 2020 in Vermont, 75% of ballots were cast early or by mail. Our democracy is stronger when we all participate.”

Pro Tem Balint said: “[Vermont] is showing the nation what good governance looks like.” She then asked attendees to recall their voting memories, and spoke to the experiences of Vermonters who may not feel that they have the right to vote, stressing the importance of voting as a fundamental right.

Speaker Krowinski said: “In 2020, the VTGOP followed the way of the national Republican Party. Nobody should be putting up barriers to vote. [Vermont Democrats'] efforts worked. Here in Vermont we made it easy and accessible for every Vermonter to vote. Every vote counts. Every vote matters. We're making history together.”

VDP Chair Bruce Olsson reminded the group: “The organization fighting for voting rights in the United States is the Democratic Party.”

The event marked Vermont Democrats' first in-person event since February 2020.



Asha Carroll Communications Director Vermont Democratic Party (802) 391-4035

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