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Republicans Nominate Candidate for an Office He Once Disparaged


News from the Vermont Democratic Party


MONTPELIER, VT — Tonight, the Vermont Republican Party nominated Scott Milne, a two time failed candidate for statewide office, for a position he once disparaged.

Milne declined to run for lieutenant governor in 2016 opting to run for U.S. Senate, saying: “so I can get in line to do something down the road, which is basically what everyone that’s doing lieutenant governor is doing, right?”

Instead, Milne said: “'Not that being a state senator or a legislator or lieutenant governor is not a great public service, but, you know, I’m a travel agent and I think I got a shot at taking out the longest-serving senator in Vermont history”

Milne lost that race by a landslide to Senator Patrick Leahy who remains one of the longest serving senators in United States history and continues to deliver for Vermonters.

It’s unfortunate that the Republican nominee for lieutenant governor thinks so little of the job he’s seeking. Our outgoing lieutenant governor, David Zuckerman, made clear just how powerful a role the office can be. Zuckerman used his platform to advocate for progressive policies like paid leave and raising the minimum wage, he organized folks around climate change, and he’s taken our status quo governor to task time and again.

The question is: Do Vermonters want a lieutenant governor who thinks they’re just waiting in line to do something down the road, or are they looking for the bold vision and fresh leadership offered by our Democratic nominee for lieutenant governor, Molly Gray?



R. Christopher Di Mezzo Director of Communications, Spokesperson Vermont Democratic Party (315) 368-3660 | @rcdimezzo



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